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Working With Quicklinks Items

The main purpose of the Quicklinks app is of course the Quicklinks themselves. On this page you will learn more about adding, editing, deleting and searching for specific Quicklinks in various ways.

To add a new Quicklink, click on the "+" button that appears at the end of the particular Quicklinks group, as shown in the screenshot below.

Add Quicklink Button

Quicklink Group Styles

Quicklinks can be viewed in multiple ways, depending on the group's view style so your Add button might appear slightly differently depending which style you have set.

This will open the Add Quicklink side panel, per the screenshot below. This panel allows you to enter the link's web destination URL of the new Quicklink (where users will go when they actually click the link) as well as other useful details like the Quicklink title, a description and a descriptive image.

Add Quicklink Panel

Please be aware of the various notes and tips below regarding adding Quicklinks:

Automatically Retrieving Quicklink Details

To try help make capturing this information easier, Quicklinks will try, once you have entered the destination URL, to automatically retrieval and fill in the title, description and image - you will see this when you enter the destination URL and click away, a loading indicator will appear showing that this retrieval is in progress.

Please take note that the Quicklinks retrieval engine can not access any secure web address (sites that require additional login, such as internal private systems). In addition, the retrieval engine is reliant on the structure of information available in the destination site, so if this site does not provide the information in a standard way, this automatic retrieval will not be successful. In any of these cases, you can simply enter your own title, description and image.

Destination Link Types

At the moment, Quicklinks only allows you to link to web destination (http:// or https:// addresses). This is due to a security restriction inside of Microsoft Teams that does not allow links, for example, to network file shares.

Quicklink Images

Right now, Quicklinks does not allow for you to upload your own image to be used as the image for the Quicklink. This is something we're working on for possible future release, but in the meantime, if you want to use a custom image it needs to be one that is available on an internet address (http:// or https:// addresses). If it is not currently available, consider uploading it to your own internal storage (e.g. Microsoft Teams 'Files' or Microsoft SharePoint).

Part of adding or editing a Quicklink is the ability to add tags that make it easier to find individual or related Quicklinks. To learn more about this see the Tagging section below.

To modify (edit) a Quicklink, open the specific Quicklink's shortcut menu using the '3 dots' menu on the side of the Quicklink, as shown below.

Quicklink Item Menu

From the menu that appears, click the 'Edit' option. This will open the Edit side panel, similar to the one shown below. On this panel, as with then you added the Quicklink originally, it is possible to modify the Quicklink's destination web address, title, description, image address and tags.

Edit Quicklink Panel

To remove (delete) a Quicklink, open the specific Quicklink's shortcut menu using the '3 dots' menu on the side of the Quicklink, as shown below.

Quicklink Item Menu

From the menu that appears, click the 'Delete' option. A confirmation popup will appear, to make sure you don't accidentally delete the Quickink. If you are sure you want to remoe the item, click the Yes, Delete button. If you want to cancel the action, simply click the Don't Delete button. This confirmation popup is shown below.

Delete Quicklink Confirmation

If you would like to re-order your Quicklinks, they can simply be dragged and dropped from where they are to where you would like them to be. An example is shown below.

Dragging a Quicklink

As you drag the Quicklink over possible destinations, an outline placeholder will appear indicating what the new order will be. It is also possible to position the Quicklink at the end of the group by dragging it over the "Add" section, as shown below.

Dragging a Quicklink to the End

Moving Quicklink Between Groups

It is not only possible to move Quicklinks within the same Quicklinks group but also to move them from one group to another, using the "drag and drop" mechanism, as shown in the example above.

Aside from the regular visible fields on the Quicklink (title, description and image) it is also possible to 'tag' Quicklinks. Doing so will add these tags to the top of the group that the Quicklink appears in, as shown below.

quicklinkTags Quicklink Tags

You can now filter the list of items in the specific Quicklinks group by selecting and deselecting specific tags. You can reset all of your selections by choosing the All tags tag.

Add or edit a Quicklink's tags can be done on the Quicklink Add or Edit pane. To add a tag, simply type the value you want for the tag. If it exists already on another Quicklink, it will appear below as a suggestion and you can finish typing it or select it from the list that appears below, as in the screenshot. Click the Save Changes button when you are done.

Adding Quicklink Tags

Removing a Tags

To remove a tag from a Quicklink, click the 'x' icon next to the tag itself from the Quicklinks Add or Edit pane and click the Save Changes button.

Group Tags

Note that, as you add or remove tags from Quicklinks, they will automatically appear and disappear from the list of available tags above the Quicklinks group. Tags will also move with their Quicklinks between groups as needed if you move a Quicklink to another group.

If you have a lot of Quicklinks and you are looking for a specific one or set of items, the Search box on the top can help you. Simply type in the value or part of the value and the list of Quicklinks in the screen will automatically filter to matching items. Note that the Search function will search Quicklinks titles, descriptions and even destination web address URLs.

View Counts

To provide you some useful analytics, Quicklinks tracks the number of times that links are actually used by users. This is indicated with the "View" icon on the Quicklink itself. By default, for a new Quicklink, this is greyed out, indicating it has not yet been clicked at all, but from the first time onwards it will change to a darker shade, indicating that it has been visited at least once.

Hovering or clicking on the "View" icon will show the actual number of clicks, as shown in the sample below.

View Counts