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When you first purchase a new subscription for Quicklinks, you immediately have the opportunity to configure certain settings on your new subscription as part of the completion of the purchase process. This page explains each of the steps in the wizard.

Configuring Quicklinks at Any Time

You can configure your Quicklinks subscription at any time on the Quicklinks customer portal - the wizard just makes it easier and is part of the initial signup process.

Subscription Naming Step

Please note that you will only see this initial step of the wizard if your organization has more than one paid Quicklinks subscription. This is so that you can provide a helpful name to this new subscription making it easier to differentiate it from any other subscriptions. For instance, if your organization already has a Quicklinks subscription for the Finance team and you are now purchasing one for the Human Resources team you could call your new subscription "Human Resources". An example of this step is shown below.

Subscription Naming Step

When you are done with this step click the Continue button to proceed.

License Allocation Step

Now that you have purchased a subscription for Quicklinks, you and other teammates will be able to purchase, up to the amount of licenses you purchased. In some cases, you can simply allow colleagues or teammates to sign up to the licenses as needed. For example, in a company of 25 people, if you purchased 25 licenses, each user can obtain a license as needed simply by using Quicklinks for the first time. In this case, you can leave the selection on the Open option, which allocates licenses in a first-come, first-served manner.

In contrast, if you have purchased Quicklinks just for a specific team or group of 50 users in your organization of 500, you will most likely want to ensure that the licenses are pre-assigned specifically to your teammates so that they cannot be accidentally taken by other users. In this case, you would select the Specific Users option, as shown below.

License Allocation Step

When you are done with this step click the Continue button to proceed.

User Assignment Step

Please note that you will only see this step of the wizard if you selected the Specific Users option in the previous step, so that you can now assign the licenses to the specific users you require.

In this step, to allocate a license to a user, type their name in the Search for teammates search box. As you begin typing, options will appear and you can select the correct person by clicking on their option. An example is shown below.

User Assignment Step

Multiple Entries

Please note that a teammate may have multiple entries appear in the list as you type because they may have multiple user identities in your organisations Azure Active Directory. In this case, be sure to choose the correct entry for your teammate otherwise they will not be able to use Quicklinks until this is corrected.

Removing a user in this screen can be done simply by clicking the trash can alongside their name.

When you are done with this step click the Continue button to proceed.

Administrator Assignment Step

Aside from assigning licenses to users, this wizard also allows you to assign additional administrators who can also modify the configuration of your subsription (such as allocating or de-allocating licenses to users). This is not required but it is highly recommended to have at least one 'backup' administrator in case you are unavailable and so this step in the wizard allows you to do this. An example is shown below.

Administrator Assignment Step

When you are done with this step click the Continue button to proceed.

Setup Complete

At this point you are done configuring your Quicklinks license and can now close the customer portal and return to Quicklinks itself. If you would like, you can instead proceed to the regular portal (in non-wizard mode) where you can make additional changes. The regular portal is also the one you will return to on an ongoing basis to allocate and de-allocate licenses, upgrade or downgrade your subscription, or add or remove additional user licenses. An example is shown below.

Setup Complete